What is Karate?
Put simply, Karate is the art of empty-handed combat. It uses all parts of the body, but especially the hands, elbows, knees and feet (and sometimes even the head), as attack and defense weapons. “Kara” (空) means empty and “te” (手) means “hand”.

Kihons are the basics. Kicks, knee strikes, punches, elbows, blocks, kihons are the foundation of all Kyokushin training, they build the body and mind. Without a good solid foundation, a karateka will not be able to offer a good performance either in kata or in kumite (fight).

Katas are a sequence of techniques (attacks and blocks) in a predetermined sequence that simulates a fight against imaginary opponents. The practical application of each of the movements is called "bunkai"
Each belt level has its own katas. The more experienced the karateka is, the more complex the katas become.

Kumite (fighting) is the ultimate goal of karateka training. After learning the kihons (basics) and following them up by practicing Katas (imaginary fights), the karateka is ready to apply his knowledge in front of an opponent and to test what he has learned.

Several tournaments take place throughout the year and karatekas are invited to come and test their learning against other karateka from various dojos both in kata and fighting. Tournaments are always rich in emotions and appreciated by all. They provide an unparalleled experience.
All kinds of seminars are organized, either by the dojo or by other schools where we are invited. Seminars allow us to learn and open our minds to what can be done elsewhere in martial arts and we always come out of them grown.