Karaté Kyokushin Pointe-Claire is affiliated with the International Karate Organization World So-Kyokushin, chaired by Hanshi Daigo Oishi in Japan.
Kyokushin is recognized as the most realistic style of karate. Founded by Master Masutatsu Oyama in 1964, the name Kyokushinkai means "school of the ultimate truth" in Japanese. Kyokushin is a full-contact karate, which emphasizes effectiveness in real combat. He relies on a physical condition, resistance and a strong mentality.

Sosai Masutatsu Oyama
Founder of Kyokushin Karate
Masutatsu Oyama was born in Korea on July 27, 1923.
His name at birth was Hyung Yee Choi. But later, when he settled permanently in Tokyo, he chose to adopt the Japanese name Masutatsu Oyama and made the decision to devote his life to Karate.
In 1953, he opened his first Dojo on a grassy field in Tokyo, specifically in the Meijiro district. Two years later, he opened his first real Dojo at a former ballet school. It was in this institution that what would later become the birthplace of Kyokushin karate was truly founded.
In 1954, he met Edward “Bobby” Lowe, an expert in Kenpo, in Hawaii, whom he considered his own brother a few years later. It is his privilege to open the first branch of Kyokushin outside Japan. In 1957, despite the hardness and rigor of this training, he already had more than 700 students. And it was during this year that the name Kyokushin was finally adopted.

The meaning of this name is the ULTIME TRUTH. Kyokushin’s reputation continues to grow and many students, coming from different schools, travel from far away to train the combat techniques taught by Sosai Oyama, especially for the Jissen-Kumite. Full-contact fights are an integral part of this training. Sosai Oyama observes a lot of its combatants, which allows him to evolve his karate by constantly adding new techniques and perfecting existing techniques.
Soon, the Kyokushin style was nicknamed “The Strongest Karate”. This qualifier is not only related to Oyama himself, but also the kind of extremely rigorous training he submits to his students. Not to mention the successes of Kyokushin fighters in tournaments.
Kyokushin has become one of the most practiced karate styles throughout the World. Indeed, more than 20 million followers practice Kyokushin on the planet.

On April 26, 1994, Sosai Matsutatsu Oyama, 10th Dan, dies of lung cancer at the age of 70. He was a non-smoker. A monument is erected in his memory, on Mount Mitsumine, in Chichibu Tamakai Park. This place has since become a place of pilgrimage, for all karate practitioners Kyokushin, a sacred place, where one comes to seek a spiritual source.

Hanshi Daigo Oishi
President of World So-Kyokushin Organization
Hanshi Daigo Oishi served for 5 years as one of Sosai’s first Uchi Deshi’s.
In 1971 at the age of 21 competed in the 3rd Open tournament All Japan Karate championships and came away with a 3rd place win.
In 1975 he competed in the 1st World open tournament and represented Japan and placed 4th.
In 1976 he was appointed as Branch Chief of Yamanashi Branch of the International Karate Organization and due to his immense success was then appointed as Head of the Shizuoka Branch in 1977.
Hanshi Daigo Completed a 50 Man Kumite in 1990 and then a 70 man kumite in 1998.
Hanshi Daigo, at the age of 70 that he is now, is very much still leading and training and remains focused on keeping Kyokushin exactly as Sosai taught it.
Hanshi Oishi is adamant about protecting the legacy of Sosai Mas Oyama by preserving both the spirit and the technical aspects of Kyokushin Karate. In a period where many groups are making changes away from the Kyokushin karate of Sosai Mas Oyama, Hanshi Oishi works hard to preserve Kyokushin as was taught by the founder.

Shihan Roman Szyrajew
Shihan Roman Szyrajew first started his karate training around 1969 under Sensei Roger Lesourd, who brought Kyokushin Karate to Quebec when he returned from Japan, and stayed with him until he was 1st kyu. He then studied under numerous instructors until he went to Fairfield, Connecticut, in 1980 to meet with Shihan Shigeru Oyama, joined with him, and trained under him for over 10 years. During this time, Roman participated in many seminars with Shihan Y. Oyama and Shihan Miura. Under Shigeru Oyama's tutelage, Shihan Roman received his Sandan and Yondan certificates. Shihan Roman was the Canadian Representative for the North American Kyokushin Organization during this association. Shihan Roman also had the privilege of studying with Shihan Steve Arneil during his business trips to England.
Roman attended the World Tournament in November 1991 where he met Sosai Oyama for the first time and was appointed Canadian Branch Chief. In May 1993, Roman had the pleasure of experiencing the Yugawara Camp where he was graded by Sosai Oyama to Godan and received his Kyoshi Certificate (Instructor's Certificate). Roman also holds a Referee Certificate from Honbu. Roman participated in the Oyama Cup in Katowicia, Poland, in 1993. After the tournament, he had the honor of sitting with Sosai Oyama at a restaurant and speaking with him. Sadly, it was to be the last time before Sosai's death. In April 1994, he flew to Japan, like so many hundreds of other karatekas, to attend Sosai's memorial ceremony.
With more than 55 years of experience in Kyokushin, Shihan Roman has traveled all over the world to promote Kyokushin Karate in the true Budo spirit of Sosai Oyama. He has personally helped many dojos to grow and prosper for free for over 20 years before opening his own in 1991 because of the love he has for the martial arts and what it has done for him.
During that time, he promoted Kyokushin Karate on many television programs with students of all ages. Among these TV programs, there are two best and most memorable ones: "YOU ASKED FOR IT", which was broadcast over 100 stations on national television and hosted by comedian Rich Little; and "THE PIERRE LALONDE SHOW", a well-known variety special in Quebec. Some of the feats he performed were: breaking two baseball bats simultaneously with one blow from the sune (shin); breaking ten blocks of cement with shuto (knife hand) and hiji (elbow); and breaking (with shuto) six blocks of ice measuring 10 inches thick and 39 inches long, doused with gasoline and set aflame.

He decided to join I.K.O Matsushima in 1999 and it is under Kancho Matsushima that he was awarded his 6e, 7e, and 8e Dan, the last being awarded to him at the tournament and seminar held in November 2018 in Shanghai.
In spring 2024, he decided to quit Matsushima’s group and join the World So-Kyokushin Organization represented by Hanshi Daigo Oishi.
Over time, he has been able to transmit his knowledge of true traditional Kyokushin Karate, as taught by Master Sosai Mas Oyama and thus promote many black belts who in turn have opened their own Dojo.
Shihan Roman is known for teaching hard and strenuous classes in the old style, which is harder and rougher. He continues to promote Mas Oyama's Kyokushin Karate at his own dojo and trains others under his supervision.